Friends, we've come a long way since the days of me cramming t-shirts into my garage and testing my wife's patience. With all the support you've been giving us over the years, we quickly outgrew our old Funky Fresh Fish Mrkt spot and are opening our doors to a new and improved warehouse and retail space.

If you've ever been to our old HQ, then you've probably grabbed a coffee from our neighbor Heave Ho Coffee Co. Have no fear, we're dragging him along to partner up on adding caffeine to the mix.

Come check it out yourself this weekend for our soft opening, and if you're one of the first 25 through the door we'll be passing out free 24" war clubs as our way of saying thanks. On top of that every purchase will get you a free deck of our water proof playing cards.

Warehouse Address:
2850 Main St.
Chula Vista, CA 91911